WIPO logo competition - oh, the embarrassment!

WIPO logo competition - oh, the embarrassment!

Readers may recall the IPKat organising a competition late last year. The object was to design a new WIPO logo; the prize was complimentary registration for the CLT 2007 Intellectual Property Conference in Central London on 25 January. Well, the IPKat received several entries and assiduously printed them out - but has since mislaid the emails that accompanied them. The result is that the IPKat has chosen the winner (right), based on the punning theme of "why" + (teletubby) Po (which sounds when read in English as "WIPO"). If anyone remembers designing this logo, can he or she please contact the IPKat here and claim the prize.

A second entry that caught the IPKat's eye was this very attractive and well-crafted piece of artwork (left) which looks very handsome.

Another entry which the IPKat liked was not so much a logo as an illustrated theme - the Tower of Babel (right), presumably something to do with the large number of languages heard in WIPO's headquarters in Geneva and a passionate desire to conquer the world. Congratulations to the runners-up.

If the people who submitted these entries are so good as to email the IPKat here, he'll be pleased to acknowledge their efforts.

Full conference details here