World Intellectual Property Day - an update

Own It has announced its World Intellectual Property Day event. "Innovation for Business Growth" is being held on Thursday 26 April 2007, from 6.00pm to 8.00pm, with the promise of some networking to follow. The location is the Students Hub and Bar, University of the Arts London, 65 Davies Street, London, W1K 5DA.

This event costs nothing to attend, but you MUST book online first. The speakers are Harry Karaolou (Bevan Brittan), Mark Sheahan (MD of CompGen Ltd and a serial award-winning inventor), Frederick Mostert (author of From Edison to iPod: Protect Your Ideas and Make Money and serial bagel sampler) and Julie Ray (Microsoft). Partners in the event are Islington Enterprise Action, Ideas 21 and Bevan Brittan LLP.

With the same day in mind, Pinsent Masons' popular website has offers the following:
* Free advice on World Intellectual Property Day: learn more about the day and meet an IP expert ...

* WIPD kit for IP specialists. If your firm gives advice on IP, here are materials to get you started in supporting WIPD.

* WIPD for bloggers and others who want to promote the day: stick a badge on your site (two versions, above left and right, are on offer on terms that make open-source and Creative Commons look positively selfish).
Pinsent Masons' Struan Robertson promises more to come; you can contact him here. The IPKat is already getting excited at the chance to meet an IP expert. Merpel says, but we've already met ...