There are sooooo many IP conferences coming up in England this March that many IP practices and businesses are going to have to recruit extra staff just to read the advertisements for them. But CLT's
Copying Without Infringing is a conference with a

difference - it has its own competition, run by the IPKat, for which the prize is complimentary admission for the day in question (which is
Tuesday 13 March 2007, if you were wondering), at the Cafe Royal, near London's very own Piccadilly Circus.

The rules of the competition are as follows. The United Nations has just created a new agency, the World Office for the Environment (WOE), which is charged with preserving the health of the planet, combating global warming, grounding aeroplanes, stopping the burning of rainforests and other (it seems) unpopular measures. You have been commissioned to create a catchy slogan for WOE, of not more than 15 words, that will capture the hearts and minds of the wasteful, wanton inhabitants of the heaviest energy-consuming nations. Best slogans will be published on this weblog, of course. Feel free to compose in any language, but bear in mind that your slogans may have to be processed by
Babelfish before the IPKat can comprehend them.

Closing date for the receipt of entries is midnight (GMT) on
Monday 5 March. All entries should be sent to the IPKat
here. Full programme and booking details available