Friday frivolities

"... WIPO will observe World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April 2007. The theme of this year’s celebrations is “Encouraging Creativity”. ...The letter is signed by Geoffrey Onyeama (Assistant Director General, Coordination Sector for External Relations, Industry, Communications and Public Outreach).
As in past years, a summary of the activities organized to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day will be published on the WIPO website. This year, WIPO plans to create a web-gallery displaying a selection of World Intellectual Property Day posters prepared by Member State offices and other organizations. I would encourage you to send us your posters and the details of your activities as early as possible by post or by e-mail (".
Meanwhile, if you are in the Liverpool, Nottingham, Edinburgh, Dublin or Bishop's Stortford areas and are looking for some like-minded IP enthusiasts to mark this day with on 26 April - or if you are based somewhere else but would like to host or get involved in a WIP Day event - email the IPKat here and he'll forward your contact details or try to find other people to join you. London details are being masterminded by the Intellectual Property Institute with help from various friends. Details to follow.

"There are a number of moves promoting the requirement of 'ID' cards to allow photographers to operate in a public place. It is a fundamental right of a UK citizen to use a camera in a public place, indeed there is no right to privacy when in a public place. These moves have developed from paranoia and only promote suspicion towards genuine people following their hobby or profession" (petition submitted by Simon Taylor of Deadline to sign up by: 14 August 2007).

Right: many British law bloggers have a self-image that is not matched by the reality ...
Details will appear here when they are fully crystallised. Meanwhile, the following facts can be safely disclosed:
* speakers and programme are not yet finalised, but IPKat co-blogger Jeremy and the TechnoLlama will be among them, plus Charon QC, Dan Hull from the United States, Geeklawyer and Ruthie;
* The conference is aimed at existing legal bloggers who wish to discuss experiences with and share tips with fellow bloggers; at the same time we will be addressing talks to the curious potential bloggers who may wish to know the technology, techniques risks and rewards in deciding whether to blog themselves;
* the work part of the day is planned to run from around 11am to 5.30pm;
* CPA will be hosting the event in their office in Central London and will be providing a lunch "of some description";
* an affordable fee will be charged, the amount depending on how much sponsorship can be raised;
* an online registration system is in the process of being set up - but it's probably a good idea to email Geeklawyer and let him know if you're interested in attending.