Judge makes a beeline for Bee Load ruling; Is anyone going to TIPLO?

Right: Cover of Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy album - one of the most evocative icons of the early 70s
The dispute involves a series of three contracts entered into by a subsidiary of the BBC with a company that proposed to exploit commercial some of the Beeb's archival recordings (including some vintage Led Zeppelin stuff). The contracts provided for the BBC to use its endeavours to obtain copyright clearance and for the payment royalties, among other things. Litigation broke out in the US, where the court stayed proceedings pending what it hoped would be a determination by an English court as to what the contracts actually meant.
In the decision noted here, the main item of interest was the fact that the BBC applied for summary declarations as to what various parts of the contracts meant. One might have thought that a complex web of contracts was not exactly fertile ground for summary relief, but the judge thought otherwise. If all that the court needed to do here was to give a ruling on what specific provisions of the contract meant, and was unlikely to have his opinion changed after listening to long-winded technical arguments at trial, a summary declaration was appropriate. On that basis he gave various interpretations to the contracts' provisions. Now all that remains is for a ruling on whether the BBC is in breach of them.
The IPKat, who is really keen on summary judgments where they can be given, welcomes this ruling. Merpel observes, the fact that the case is complex doesn't mean summary relief can't be granted, if the issue before the court is an open-and-shut one.
Read the decision in full here on BAILII - or get a life

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