Latest IP and T; Any old journals?

Today the IPKat received an email from Nsor Ojiji, which reads in relevant part as follows:
"The Literacy Emancipation Research Centre (LERCENTRE) is a Non Governmental, Not for Profit organization formed by Postgraduate students of The University of Calabar, Cross River State University of Science and Technology, and The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, for the advancement of knowledge, and research purposes.The IPKat sympathises with the cause and wonders if many of the visitors to his site - particularly law firms and IP practices that are moving from paper to online products - might have any materials they can donate. If you're interested in helping, contact Nsor Ojiji directly. He is Secretary of the Literacy Emancipation Research Centre (Lercentre), Block C52, Post Military Housing Estate, 8-Miles, P.O.Box 259 G.P.O., Calabar-CRS, Nigeria 540001 (phone +234 806 951 4495).
Our Libraries in our Univesities and Teaching Hospitals lack Journals that are as current as 1990. This is not helping us in our graduate studies and research....
We have opened a Library and a Research Centre, where both undergraduate and postgraduate students, together with our lecturers and the public, can have access to these journals and textbooks, for research purposes.
Accessing the internet for online journals in this part of the world is so terribly expensive, that even our universities libraries can not afford. Accessing funds to purhase these journals is currently extremely difficult.
We plead your assistance with donating these journals, to aid us in our effort to advance our knowledge, and most of all, to equip our library, with current journals for research purposes".