Ahead, but carefully; Syria prepares for invasion of GIs ...

"Sponsored by OHIM and CSM (Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura: the Superior Judicial Council), in collaboration with UIBM (Ufficio Italiano Marchi e Brevetti - the Italian Trade Mark and Patent Office), the judges of the Italians Community’s Courts met in Venice on 21-22 March 2007 to discuss Community Trade Marks and Designs.The IPKat is delighted to see how seriously the Italians are addressing the need to train IP judges and, as importantly, to give them a chance to share one another's experiences. Judicial competence and consistency doesn't grow on trees - it has to be worked at - and events like this are just what's needed. Merpel adds, given the significance of Venice in the development of the printing industry and also in passing the world's first formal patent law, the venue seems highly appropriate.
In spite of some communication and logistic problems in planning the seminar, the venue raised great interest on the part of the judges who gathered from the four corner of Italy. More than 50 judges, representing the 12 Community Courts set up under the name Sezioni Specializzate, attended the seminar which was devoted the first day to an illustration of OHIM’s experience of the CTM and CD systems. On the next day, after a report on non-conventional trade marks and the presentation of the TADOR website, six judges were involved in discussing the cases submitted to their court and other six were engaged in a mock trial prepared by OHIM. The seminar was directed by Stefano Sandri, Special Adviser to OHIM, and Marina Tavassi, Court of Cassation. All the reports delivered at the conference are available on the OHIM website. From the debate it was apparent that the Community Courts are in Italy progressively moving towards Community trade ark and design law. At present there are not so many pending cases and more attention is given to procedural aspects than to the substantive law. The impact of the harmonisation process, however, is clearly under review and the seminar met the expectations of those who attended that they would receive useful information and updating on industrial property law in Europe".
Cats in Venice (illustrated, above right) here and here
Venetian patent law of 1474 here

Left: Grape-vine carving, Bel
According to AGIP, quoting SANA as its source, the new law provides protection for collective, certification and service marks, and recognizes well-known international trade marks even if they are not registered in Syria. A 90 day period is provided for third party oppositions. Other changes include improved customs measures, a specialised court to settle IP cases and the regulation of IP agents in Syria. New office fees and increased punishments for criminal infringements are also being introduced. Implementing Regulations will be issued in the near future by the Syrian Minister of Economy and Trade.
The IPKat welcomes these developments. Syria is a signatory to ten WIPO-administered treaties, seven of these commitments having been made since June 2003. Let's hope the trend continues.
Syrian cuisine here and here