Can you help?

Many and varied are the emails the IPKat receives - but he's never had one quite like this before. It's from a young mum who works at home, writing patents and, it seems, some pretty neat poetry too. The email reads reads:

"Dear IPKat,

You daily scan the IP world,
Instead of in your basket curled,
Looking out so far and wide
What's new, what's wrong, or should be tried.

While you tread your intrepid walk
I wonder whether you ever talk
To an IP firm that needs personnel
To write patents and write them well!

Right: this is about as close as the IPKat ever gets to being intrepid (Cat by Gary Patterson, Buffalo Games)

I am currently available to accept
A patent, or technical writing project
I like to rewrite complicated creations
Into clear instructions and explanations

I work from home because I'm a Mum
My hours are not the same as some!
Yet standards meet your top expectations
When writing claims or specifications!

Ten years experience and attention
To details in all fields of invention,
Computer savvy, patently aware
UK, PCT, US, or anywhere.

Whoever reads this IPKat feed
And has any sort of patent writing need
Please send a message to the IPKat
He'll pass it on, at the drop of a hat!"

Right: a typical working mum preparing a patent at home

Needless to say, the IPKat, quite charmed by this rhyme and delighted about the 'intrepid' bit, is more than happy to help. So, if you've looking for someone who is literate, talented and possessed of a good sense of humour to write your patents, email the IPKat here and he'll put you into contact with the mum in question.