Hail to the new UK-IPO Chief

It has just been announced that the UK Patent Office will be getting a new Chief Executive to replace current CE Ron Marchant when he retires at the end of this month. Ian Fletcher (right), currently Managing Director, International Directorate in UK Trade and Investment, will be taking up the post of Chief Executive of the UK Intellectual Property Office on 30 April 2007.

Ian Fletcher said;

"I am delighted to be joining the Patent Office. It already plays a vital role in the UK's economic prosperity, its scientific excellence and its innovation system. As the Office moves on to tackle to challenges set out in Andrew Gowers' review, the Office's role will become even more central to the UK's response to the challenges of globalisation."

Ron Marchant apparently approves of the new recruit, expressing his confidence that "he will take the Office forward on its chosen path".

The IPKat wishes Ron a long and happy retirement, and looks forward to seeing what the new Chief has to offer. In particular, he is curious to see what this "chosen path" is, which sounds interestingly mystical.

More chosen paths here, here and here.