Trade mark poll: now's the chance

Have you ever longed for a chance to say what you really think about trade marks? Well, now's your golden opportunity. Managing Intellectual Property magazine is running a trade mark practitioners' poll here. There are 14 topics on which YOUR opinion is sought. As MIP editor James Nurton says:
"It's very simple, all automated and anonymous. We will publish the results in the INTA Daily News at INTA in Chicago and also on our website. We want to make it a truly global, comprehensive survey of what people interested in trade marks really think so anyone is welcome to fill it in".
Adds James:
"We want to make this poll the biggest-ever survey of opinions about trade marks and brands. So anyone who is interested in trade marks/trademarks/ trade-marks is invited to spend two minutes giving us their views - that includes trade mark owners, attorneys, lawyers, teachers, students, examiners, judges, cats ... "
The IPKat can't resist the opportunity to express an opinion. Even the thought that it might (temporarily) be anonymised won't deter him.