Big, grey and deadly earnest

It's big, it's grey - and it's out today, all 2,000+ pages of it. The "it" in question actually deals with "IT", being the fourth edition of the Butterworths E-Commerce and Information Technology Law Handbook. Being consultant editor of this volume, IPKat team blogger Jeremy is in no fit state to judge it objectively. Accordingly he will confine himself to what the venerable publishers say on their website:
"As with its well-established brethren in the series, the Handbook has been assembled in a logical manner and contains a carefully referenced index. All practitioners in this field will benefit from having such a comprehensive collection of primary sources at their fingertips".
The tome's contents cover primary international, European Union and UK sources on e-commerce and information technology law, together with such useful information as whether and when various legal rules have been brought into force.

Left: also big and grey, the elephant has a much longer shelf-life than this Butterworths Handbook, but also takes up a lot more space on the shelf ...

Being unashamedly paper-based, it takes no time at all to download, will not crash, can be conveniently recycled or used as a substitute for personal hygiene tissues and will host literally thousands of coloured sticky tabs. Price: £116 (that's just 5.714 pence per page).