Copyright extradition

The IPKat has learnt from TorrentFreak that Hew Raymond Griffiths, the leader of warez site DrinkorDie has pleaded guilty to “conspiracy to commit copyright infringement” and “criminal copyright infringement” in the Eastern District of Virginia. The crimes carry with them a $500k penalty and up to 10 years in prison. Much of the case has been conducted while Griffiths has been in the ‘comfort’ of an Australian prison cell. Griffiths, who is a UK national who resides in Australia, has never visited the US. However, US extradition proceedings against him were commenced following the actions of US Customs. The Australian authorities have backed the extradition proceedings.

The IPKat is pretty horrified. Copyright infringement, particularly on a large scale, is clearly wrong, but extradition seems disproportionate. He’s also pretty surprised that Australia (and presumably the UK) are allowing this extradition action to take place. The Kat has a hazy recollection from his public international law days that taking jurisdiction against activities which have taken place against one’s citizens, but outside of one’s jurisdiction, is reserved for exceptional situations. Is copyright infringement really serious enough to count?