Le lapin dans le chapeau de M. McCreevy

Following the IPKat's recent post about European Commissioner Charlie McCreevy's final push for a Community patent, the IPKat can exclusively reveal that, contrary to what he has said, there will be at least one surprising rabbit pulled out of the hat when Mr McCreevy announces his plans this week.

A spokeswoman for the Commission, Avril Pecheur, says,
"The Commission's proposal for the Community patent, after extensive consultation with the governments of the EU, will result in a single patent covering all the EU member states, and in a single language: French. There will be no need for translations. There will also be a new industrial property court based at the heart of the Union in Strasbourg. We believe that this will resolve all the outstanding issues over the currently over-complicated state of the European patent system".

The IPKat is already arranging his French lessons in preparation for when this happens.

Merpel says, "Où est mon poisson, Avril?"