Securitisation of IP rights - an update

Right: the IPKat keeps a watchful eye on his collateralised IP rights
But things have been happening behind the scenes. Last month the International Trademark Association, a body that represents trade mark owners' interests, published its own lengthy and carefully thought-out thought-out position paper, Recordal of Security Interests in Trademarks. Also, following the January Colloquium in Vienna at which it at one time seemed that war was about to break out, UNICTRAL is now working closely with an ad hoc group of concerned IP experts, coordinated by Lorin Brennan (Gray Matter) with assistance from too many organisations and individuals to mention conveniently here, to finalise a note on future work that remains to be done before UNCITRAL's Legislative Guide can come to fruition. The IPKat just wants to say "well done" to the many individuals who, working on their respective sides, have taken such a constructive part in improving the economic environment for IP-based borrowers and lenders alike.
Sears' giant IP securitisation here
More on IP securitisation here and here