A moving experience

Today has been IPKat team member Jeremy's last day at Slaughter and May, where he has been Intellectual Property Consultant for the past 13 years. It was also the day he washed his coffee mugs. On Monday he begins his new role as Intellectual Property Consultant at Olswang. Jeremy would like to say "goodbye and thanks" to his many friends at Slaughter and May, with whom he felt privileged to work.

Right: waving bye-bye ...

Jeremy also looks forward to saying a warm "hello" to his new colleagues and friends at Olswang, who will have no idea what colour the inside of his coffee mugs was before they received their wash (or how many years it took them to get that colour, says Merpel).

On a practical note, if you are used to contacting Jeremy at Slaughter and May on a one-off basis or through email circulars, please note his new email address as from Monday -- jeremy.phillips@olswang.com -- and amend your records accordingly. His other coordinates can be found on his personal website here.

The long goodbye here
Hello goodbye here
Hello hello hello here