Cost of IP litigation; Buy the sponsor, change the brand

Right: Eiffel may be towering, but French costs remain low
Surprisingly there have been almost no responses to this, but Richard Milchior (Granrut) has written to tell the IPKat:
"In France, the trial or actual hearing before the Court at first instance and/or on appeal would have lasted between one and three hours. Unfortunately for French lawyers, even if the case would have become more difficult than expected, we would never have reached £1 million - and even £200,000 for a such case would be quite high".The IPKat marvels at the ability of the French to deal with complex legal issues in so concise a manner. Merpel says, though, it must be a lot easier for the French to prepare their legal arguments, though: they're a lot less shackled by the precedental weight of earlier decisions.

"the continued appearance of the Cingular brand on the No. 31 car, unaccompanied by any indication that Cingular now does business as AT&T, is likely to confuse NASCAR fans"

Says the IPKat, disputes like this should be eliminated before they blow up, through responsible and forward-looking drafting of the terms of the sponsorship contracts; if they're not, prospective sponsors may be deterred from underwriting good and/or popular causes. Merpel guesses that many high-profile instances of sponsors being taken over must have occurred in the past. How were they dealt with?
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