Friday fantasies

Andre Heitz (WIPO) is still the IPKat's friend, notwithstanding the fact that he has sent him this link to a behaviour-altering patent for US cats (it is not clear whether non-American moggies conduct themselves in the same manner). According to Market Wire:
"The Scratch Lounge's simple, yet functional design has substantially improved upon the conventional cat scratcher by tapping into a whole new aspect of cat psychology. Cats have an instinctual need to scratch and compress. Now for the first time cats can do both of these things in one place. Inventor Frank Novak says, "Most cats immediately jump into the Scratch Lounge as if they have been waiting for it to arrive."
The Scratch Lounge received a US Utility Patent # 7,117,821 for its unique design that cats use ten times longer than conventional scratchers. The Scratch Lounge has also received the Editor's Choice Award for 'Best New Product' of 2006 by Pet Product News".

Right: Michael Ballack celebrates his negotiated settlement
The truth is sometimes less exciting than the myth Part 2. The IPKat's old friend Jim Davies (Bell Dening) was the first of several people to send him this item on the 'shock horror' revelation that an English judge (Judge Peter Openshaw: copy-protected picture here) didn't know what a website was. More on judicial ignorance, real or apocryphal, here.