Latest JIPLP; Essential trade mark conference; Perfect 10

* a masterly survey of the non-patentability of essentially biological processes under the European Patent Convention by Michael A. Kock (Syngenta);JIPLP's very own home page here
* a further discussion, this time by Paul England (Herbert Smith), of the recent seismic British case law on the (non)patentability of computer related inventions;* David Fleming (Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione) writing on Re Organon, in which the TTAB ruled that the flavour orange was not registrable as a trade mark for quick-dissolving anti-depressant pills;
* an exploration of post-sale confusion doctrine in English and European law by Baker & McKenzie lawyers Peter O'Byrne and Ben Allgrove [note: JIPLP will be exploring this issue again later this year, with some detailed analysis of ECJ doctrine by Noam Shemtov].
Full contents in this issue (including abstracts) here
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To read the editorial in full ("People in Greenhouses", on the role of responsible IP in the current environmental crisis), click here

Right: lunch will be provided - but not this one ...
Other speakers are Anat Paz (Lovells), Aaron Wood (trade mark attorney and international man of mystery), Mark Bezant (LECG), Tom Hays (Lewis Silkin) and Declan Cushley (Browne Jacobson). For those who might have been thinking of sneaking off before the end, there are two fully interactive Workshop Sessions. See you there?

Left: not the TechnoLlama but the DeliLlama
This decision is a must-read decision for anyone who is concerned with the development of copyright doctrine in the field of cached thumbnails. As the TechnoLlama says:
"At the heart of the direct infringement case is Google's practice of displaying reduced-sized inline pictures. An inline is an HTML element that displays content hosted elsewhere. Perfect 10's argument was that such depictions are directly infringing copyright, and the district court agreed in first instance. Now the Ninth Circuit has found that these images were not direct infringement, because they were not "copied" in the important sense, a decision that will be welcome by bloggers and website designers everywhere".The IPKat is really torn by this one. Like any other red-blooded blogger he relies on the existence of inline thumbnails and welcomes the result, yet when he reads this decision he can't help feeling that there has been a little bit of legerdemain at play in the reasoning and he can't quite place his paw on it. Merpel says, the Germans probably have a word for it - the feeling of residual guilt that remains after you've discovered that one of your illicit pleasures was lawful after all.