Leveraging IP in India

If any further proof is needed of India's surge towards being recognised as an intellectual property super-power, take a look at this conference programme. "Leveraging IPRs as Corporate and Financial Assets" was, until relatively recently, a phenomenon recognised in only a few choice economies - but India, powered by an emergent bio- and pharma-sector, Bollywood and a high level of expertise in software development, is producing plenty of IP that financial institutions are feeling more confident of taking as collateral.

The conference, a two-day affair in the Hilton Towers, Mumbai, is held under the auspices of the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce and law firm DSK Legal (formerly Andersen Legal India). The IPKat wishes this event luck and hopes that it will be well-attended. Merpel grumbles, this is all very well - but why can't Indian law firms have proper websites like their colleagues pretty well everywhere in the world?

Programme, booking and sponsorship details here