I went by the Syngress site for my book today and saw a message that said, in part:

Sorry! This item is currently out of stock at You may want to check availability at the resellers listed on the item's catalog page.

Cool! Many thanks to everyone who has purchased a copy of the book, and to those who are going to...

Addendum, 8 May: I called a bunch of people at Syngress yesterday, leaving messages all over. I was somewhat concerned that the original page had been completely replaced, so no one could put the book on back-order, or view the Table of Contents or even the Sample Chapter. This morning, the order page is back up, sans the picture of the book cover.

Addendum, 9 May: Okay, false alarm, folks! I finally got through to someone at the publisher, and it turns out that while the books are running low due to the volume of orders, what really happened is that the web page fell victim to a developer!