On Friday 18 May intellectual property services provider CPA is providing the venue for Law Blog 2007. This incredibly cheap event, the brainchild of IP barrister
Geeklawyer and
Ruthie, aims both to bring together the community of UK lawyers and firms who write blogs, and to introduce non-blogging law firms to what is rapidly becoming a 'must do' marketing activity in the internet era. IPKat co-blogger Jeremy will be there and will say a bit about this weblog if he's allowed to do so ... More details
Right: cats' conference (actually a T-shirt design by Carolyn Shores Wright)On 28 and 29 May there's a Workshop on the Patent Cooperation Treaty, hosted by The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. The fee, including lunch on both days, is SGD$100 (48 euro) - which looks like a bargain whether you attend the workshop or not. Click
here for details.
Trade Marks and Tricks is a talk that IPKat team blogger Jeremy is giving on the evening of Tuesday 5 June at the Lecture Theatre,, Kensington Central Library, Phillimore Walk, London W8 7RX (i.e.
here). This talk, under the auspices of
OwnIt, will uncover the wonderful world of trademarks for all those involved in the creative industries, particularly innovators, product designers, fashion and graphic designers. Booking details
And don't forget - there are two one-day conferences coming up, both organised by CLT. Next Thursday, 17 May, there's
Intellectual Property: the Current Problems, while on Tuesday 12 June there's
The Essential Trade Mark Conference 2007.