Two forthcoming IP conferences

Here are two conferences, coming up shortly in London, that might interest IPKat readers:

The Essential Trade Marks Conference 2007 takes place at a coyly unnamed venue in Central London on Tuesday 12 June. Organised by CLT, the conference programme includes the following
* Top tips on trade mark licensing and on identifying a suitable licensee from Browne Jacobson's Declan Cushley;

* Tom Hays, of Lewis Silkin, reviews registration dimensions of trade marks, company names, domain names and designs - all of which can have major repercussions for the vitality of a trade mark;

* Anat Paz (Lovells) looks at how to run a trade mark portfolio, asking how a client can tell if it's getting good value for money.
IPKat team blogger Jeremy, who is in the chair, speaks on the selection of appropriate marks and on brand development. In the afternoon there are also two workshop sessions, one on branding and naming strategy, the other on working with a successful brand. More information and booking details here.

Intellectual Property: the Current Problems - Resolving the Difficult Issues, also in Central London, takes place on Thursday 17 May. Another CLT conference, it features (among other things) the following:
* Nick Briggs (Putsmans LLP) reviews the tricky issues relating to identifying the inventor and the owner of a patentable invention;

* Nabarro's Guy Heath discusses the perils of genericide, to which many registered trade marks are vulnerable;

* The intricacies of the interface of IP and competition law are reviewed by Charles Whiddington (Field Fisher Waterhouse).
As before, IPKat team blogger Jeremy is chairing and speaking. More information and booking details here.