Latest periodicals

* "If the kids are united" by Florian Koempel - an original and offbeat examination of digital rights management issues as they affect collecting societies, by the Legal Counsel to British Music Industry (abstract here);Full contents of this issue here
* "The Trilateral Cooperation" by seasoned patent expert Philip Grubb, reviewing the peaks and troughs of attempts by the US, Japanese and European Patent Offices to work more efficiently together (abstract here);* "Uneasy détente: strengthening the market's adaptation of the GNU General Public License in common law jurisdictions" by Douglas A. Hass (ImageStream Internet Solutions", a sharp and critical analysis of the legal and commercial issues that beset the further evolution of the GPL (abstract here; gnu, right);
* "Warranties and indemnities in contracts: protecting and exploiting IP" by Field Fisher Waterhouse lawyers Belinda Doshi and Sarah Thomson, in which the authors look at pitfalls and principles of protective obligations and consider whether they can ever serve as an adequate alternative to proper due diligence (abstract here).
Read this month's editorial (on what harmonisation really means in practice) - and indeed the past year's editorials - here
Instructions for authors here; free sample online or on paper here; subscribe here

Also worth a read is another changeling, listed in the contents as "Banking on Britney" - which by the time you get to it is called "Money and Mayhem" by IAM's own Victoria Slind-Flor on what can go wrong with celebrity endorsements and brand extensions.
Contents of current issue here