New ITMA and CIPA student forum

The IPKat's friend Alex Fenlon (Crossguard) has asked him to help publicise what looks like a valuable initiative for anyone studying for the Institute of Trade Mark Attorney and Chartered Institute of Patent Attorney exams in the United Kingdom.

Right: this is what the Forum looked like after the students had finished with it ...

Alex's message reads:

"Attention ITMA and CIPA Students. Help me to help you!

Here (in the Student section) is a new interactive forum which is being launched for all IP students. Get together and share ideas, info, exam techniques, useful websites, request help or generally shout about the stress of the exams.

This facility is only as good as we make it. We hope we can make it a useful tool for discussion and a helpful resource for all. It also gives us newbies a chance to make some contacts and maybe even friends within the professions outside of our own firms.

PS. Anyone in the Birmingham area looking to set up a T5 study group should feel free to contact me via the forum.”