Thoughts on Live Acquisition

Recently, I've been doing some thinking about issues surrounding live acquisitions - specifically, acquiring an image from a system that is running, as opposed to either booting the system to an alternate OS, or removing the hard drive and hooking it up to a write-blocker.

There are several methods for performing a live acquisition, but most involve running an agent or application of some kind on the system itself. You can do this using ProDiscover (install or run the PDServer agent from a CD or thumb drive), FTK Imager (run from a CD or thumb drive, and write the image files to an external drive or an already-mapped share), or with good ol' dd and netcat running from a CD. Regardless of how you choose to do this, there is an additional process running on the think Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, but in the digital realm.

So in acquiring an image from a live system, we need to introduce a process into a system of already running processes. While our intention is to take care and disturb the 'scene' as little as possible, it is simply a fact that we're going to leave some artifacts of our activities on the system...memory is consumed by our process, as are buffers, perhaps other processes have pages written out to the pagefile, etc. However, we address this issue with thorough documentation of our procedures and methodologies.

Now, in his book Computer Evidence: Collection & Preservation, Chris Brown describes the result of a live acquisition as a "smear", as from a temporal perspective, that's what we've got. Remember, it takes time to acquire an image from a hard drive, and if the system is still live and running when you acquire that image, then there is the distinct possibility that some sectors may change after you acquire them. Rather than having a sharp, distinct snapshot in time as when you acquire an image from a hard drive that has been removed from a system, you get a "smudge" or a "smear" instead. Also, as Greg Kelly pointed out in another forum recently, some of what we would normally consider stagnant data (Registry, files, etc.) can actually be considered volatile, and subject to change during the course of our acquisition...think log files, Event Log entries, the pagefile, etc.

Now, would it be possible to minimize this effect, by limiting what's running on the system during the acquisition? I believe that the answer to this is "yes". To do this, we'd need to take a couple of things into consideration. We'd should first ask ourselves, is this necessary? Hhhhmmm...if you're imaging the system over the network, and that system is still connected to the network, what is it doing on the network while you're acquiring your image? Is it serving up web pages, processing email, etc?

Before we continue, remember, we're talking about a live acquisition here, getting an image of the hard drive, NOT collecting the contents of memory.

Okay, that being said...if you're imaging over the network, is the system still providing services (shares via the Server service, etc.) that may have a significant effect on what you walk away with? We have to consider this in the face of what effect our actions will have on the system itself when we, say, disable a service. First, we have to see what processes are running, and to do that, we need to load some software and run another process (unless you're using the ProDiscover PDServer, as the agent provides this functionality, as well). Then we have to weigh the benefits of disabling the process or service against the "costs" of the effect that our actions have on the contents of the hard drive. Is that process really processing anything? We know that it may have file handles open, etc. But is there enough of an effect on the contents of the drive that it would make a significant difference within the time it takes to acquire the image? Also, if I disable that process/service, what happens? Any log files may be closed, perhaps the operating system itself will write an entry into the System or Application Event Log, etc.

Some of the processes or services I might consider shutting down include:
  • AntiVirus products - these things reach out on their own and update themselves, or run scans automatically
  • Task Scheduler - check to see if there are any jobs scheduled to run...this can get in the way of your acquisition (also, see the "Notes from the Underground..." sidebar on pp 215-216 of my book for an interesting tidbit on hiding scheduled tasks)
  • Windows Firewall - depending upon how it's configured (we'd want to check, of course) there may be some significant issues. I included a sample pfirewall.log file on the DVD with my book...I'd turned up logging on the firewall and hit it with nmap. ;-)
  • Exchange/IIS - if the system is still connected to the network do you want it processing email and web pages during the acquisition? Think the same thing for the FTP and SMTP services that sometimes get installed along with IIS.
This isn't meant to be a complete list, of course, but instead it's meant to start some thinking about what we have to consider before shutting a service down, or disabling a process.

So, before doing any of this, we need to put some thought into it. What, if anything, am I going to disable or shut down? Do I even need to? In some cases, live acquistions I've done have been of systems that had already been taken off of the network (not by me) and shut down, and then rebooted so they could be acquired (acquisition via write-blocker was not possible). With no network connections, I'm not overly concerned about major changes to the system during the acquisition process...the NTP service may log a complaint with the Event Log, but little else may happen. However, this isn't always the case...we're seeing a greater need for live response, both in acquiring the contents of memory, as well as performing live acquisitions of major systems that cannot be brought down or offline. If this is the case, document it. On your acquisition worksheet or in your case notes, clearly state "these services could not be halted or disabled due to...".

This is just a first blush...getting my thoughts down, thinking through things, determining if there is even a strong enough need for something like this...perhaps a matrix of services and processes, and when its a good idea to shut them down, how to do so, etc. Is this necessary?

Also, because I know the question is going to come up...addressing this same issue in the face of acquiring the contents of physical memory is an entirely separate post. Stay tuned!