UK-IPO website under threat from bureaucratic aliens

Ever anxious that the UK Intellectual Property Office's website should be of maximum benefit to its many users, the IPKat has learned that the Cabinet Office is proposing to reorganise government websites and to change the way they are accessed. If this proposal is adopted, many individual sites will be affected. The UK-IPO site, for one, is likely to be accessed via a wider government portal instead of being directly available.

Above, left: the UK-IPO website is bright, cheerful and imaginative

If you want to get through to the UK ex-Pat Office (here) with a minimum of clicking and clucking, email Mark Pacey here and assure him of your concern. Mark is the UK-IPO's Chief Information Officer and he'd love to hear from you.

Department of Trade and Industry's Innovation home page here: Merpel says, can you spot the carefully concealed link to the UK-IPO, craftily hidden under the obsolete label Patent Office?