Who are the real parasites?

Some organisations pay more attention to detail than others. TIPLO is a good case in point: the "T" in TIPLO stands for "The", a word rarely included in organsational acrynoms. For the record, TIPLO in full stands for "The Intellectual Property Lawyer's Organisation" and you can visit its website here (try not to notice the electric lightbulb artwork).

Right: Sir Nicholas Pumfrey, being congenial

Last night IPKat team blogger Jeremy attended a TIPLO dinner as guest of TIPLO Committee member and fellow IP blogger Ann Critchell-Ward (IMPACT, the excellent Freeth Cartwright-based blog). The setting was the imposing yet intimate Grays Inn Hall, in the heart of Legal London.

Chaired by the amicable Sir Nicholas Pumfrey (as Pumfrey J, the author of the much-cited judgment in Navitaire, the star speaker was Martin Howe QC (8 New Square), asking a question that has troubled many of us over the course of recent years: within the context of the battle between brand owners and parallel importers, precisely who are the real parasites? Sworn to eternal secrecy by the Chatham House Rule, the IPKat would not wish to spill the beans and report on the cut-and-thrust of debate - but he would definitely recommend TIPLO as being well worth joining.

right: Lord Hoffmann and speaker Martin Howe QC share a jovial insight