Book Review

Donald Tabone posted a review of my book, Windows Forensic Analysis, here.

In his review, Mr. Tabone included this:

What I dislike about the book:

- No mention of Steganography techniques/tools which Chapter 5 could have benefited from.

Back in the fall of '06, while I was writing the book, I sent out emails to a couple of lists asking folks what they would like to see in a book that focuses on forensic analysis of Windows systems; I received very few responses, and if memory serves, only one mentioned steganography. In this book, I wanted to focus specifically on issues directly related to the forensic analysis of Windows systems, and I did not see where steganography fit into that category.

Interestingly enough, Mr. Tabone did not mention what it was he wanted to know about steganography. Articles have already been written on the subject (SecurityFocus, etc.) and there are sites with extensive lists of tools, for a variety of platforms.

I would like to extend a hearty "thanks" to Mr. Tabone for taking the time and effort to write a review of my book, and for posting it.

Incidently, Hogfly posted a review of my book, as well. Be sure to read the comments that follow the review, as well.