German IP wiki; Spring-clean for Duncan; More high-powered

Last week, full of excitement for the Brave New World of wikis, the IPKat confidently predicted the demise of legal publishing as we know (and pay for) it, announcing a meeting next week at which interested people can learn a little more, and even get to touch a tame one. Well, the IPKat has since learned of a German IP wiki, which you can visit yourself here. This wiki, masterminded by German patent, trade mark and design attorney Martin Meggle-Freund (right), includes
* over 1,500 pages of content,

* automatic references to legal articles

* automatic references of decisions.
As an example page Martin suggests Markenfähigkeit. Most impressive, says the IPKat.

Meanwhile, Australian IP guru and nice guy Duncan Bucknell (left)has given his website, blog and scorecards a spring-clean. If you've not been there recently, take a look here. Duncan's in London right now and the IPKat is looking forward to sharing a coffee with him later in the week.

On Friday this weblog published in full the paper delivered by Lord Justice Jacob at a conference which the IPKat ascribed to EPLAW. The Kat has since learned that the conference was much more high powered than that: it was held by the German Presidency of the EU and the Federal Patent Court.

Right: non-believers fleeing from the latest draft of the European Patent Litigation Agreement

So, if you didn't read the paper first time round, because you believed that it was only a British judge sounding off in front of a bunch of patent lawyers and judges, here's a chance to redeem yourself by reading it now. Merpel says, if you liked this one, may I suggest some more high-powered speeches you might fancy reading: click here, here, here and here ...