Good luck, Alison! Vodka comp needs more spirit; Welcome Eric Goldman

Today's the day that Alison Brimelow, late of the (late) UK Patent Office, takes over as President of the European Patent Office (EPO), Munich. A Commander of the British Empire, she arrives with a formidable reputation for efficiency, common sense and for putting up with no nonsense.

EPO press release here
An interview with the new President here
More on Commander Alison here
Recent EPO resistance to friendly British requests for guidance on "as such" exclusions from patentability here and here
"Unprofessional, Inefficient, Overpaid and Malingering" - review of EPO staff here
Number of Google hits for 'Munich' + 'pleasure': 1,130,000
Number of Google hits for 'EPO' + 'pain': 399,000

The crop of entries for the competition to rename the Naloty website (details here) was so poor that the IPKat has unilaterally decided to extend the deadline to next Friday morning. A bottle of Polish vodka awaits the winner. Entries here, please.

The IPKat sends his thanks to Jim Davies (Bell Dening) for drawing his attention to the Eric Goldman Blog. Eric, who joined the Santa Clara University School of Law faculty in 2006 as an Assistant Professor and Director of the school's High Tech Law Institute, teaches Cyberlaw and Intellectual Property. Previous convictions include Copyrights, Contracts, Software Licensing and Professional Responsibility. Definitely a useful blog, says the IPKat.