IP and Fashion conference

Following the success of last year's conference on the same subject, CLT is running a second event under the title "Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry". It's scheduled for Thursday 20 September and it's going to be held at the Grange City Hotel, London. Speakers in this event - which is supported by the IPKat - include

* Robert Lands (Finers Stephens Innocent) on how to handle damage caused by celebrity endorsements that backfire

* Helen Newman, late of Kilpatrick & Stockton but now with Olswang, on the role of trade marks in protecting the identity of fashion designers and labels;

* Deirdre Kilroy (LK Shields, Dublin) on the relationship between fashion brand owners and retailers peddling own-brand products: is it warfare, or merely a rather agressive form of symbiosis?
Another feature of the programme is the case study and problem-solving workshop at the end, where participants sit around a table together and argue with each other as to whose legal advice and business strategy is the best - or the least bad. The conference brochure, with full details of the programme and booking arrangements, can be found here.

Left: fresh from the catwalk, Moggins shows off her favourite fur coat ("I never go anywhere without it", she purrs)

The IPKat will be running a competition associated with this conference, the prize being complimentary admission for the day's festivities (that's worth £495 plus VAT to anyone who might otherwise have paid to get in). Watch this weblog for further details.