A little late but no less welcome, the June 2007 issue of
LexisNexis Butterworths' Intellectual Property and Technology Cases has now been published. This issue contains reports on five cases:
* Sociedad General de Autores y Editores de Espana v Rafael Hoteles SA - the European Court of Justice ruling on whether the transmission of TV programmes to hotel rooms was 'communication to the public' (see IPKat post here);
* Dyson Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks - also from the European Court of Justice, on the non-registrability of transparent bin shapes (right) as trade marks (see IPKat post here);
* Bovemij v Benelux-Merkenbureau - yet a third European Court of Justice decision, this time on the extent to which linguistic diversity of a region must be taken into consideration when assessing issues of distinctiveness (see IPKat post here);
* Copland v United Kingdom, from the European Court of Human Rights - a case involving privacy, the monitoring of emails and communications and the infringement of human rights.
There's also the UK Patents Act 1977 statement on patentable subject matter.