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* "The future of consumer web data: a European/US perspective" by Daniel B. Garrie (LegalTech) and Rebecca Wong (Nottingham Trent University). This piece considers clickstream data, taking into account the EU's Data Protection Framework and its US counterparts, particularly the Wiretap Act. Is clickstream data "personal data", the authors ask, and what happens if it is?Full contents of current issue here; free sample here; subscribe here
* Bashar H. Malkawi (Hashemite University, Jordan) addresses the phenonomenon of e-commerce in light of the WTO Agreement and the US-Jordan Agreement. As the abstract explains, "As fundamental differences continue to stall progress in the WTO’s program on e-commerce, the United States concluded a free trade agreement with Jordan. This agreement was the first ever to incorporate explicit provisions on e-commerce. This article analyzes how existing trade agreements have dealt with e-commerce".