SANSFIRE 2007 - that's a wrap!

I'm sitting in my hotel room in Washington, D.C., having just completed another great SANSFIRE conference. SANSFIRE is the granddaddy training and informational conference put on by the SANS organization, with 28 different classes and a host of top notch presentations this year.

All the usual suspects were in attendance, such as Ed Skoudis, Mike Poor, Chris Brenton (who taught the track I was in), Dave Hoelzer, Dr. Eric Cole, and a giant cast of other information security notables. This year the conference was hosted once again by the Internet Storm Center, lead by Marcus Sachs and Johannes Ullrich, as well as many of the ISC handlers

Some evening highlights I was able to attend included:

  1. A State of the Internet Panel Discussion moderated by Marcus Sachs and paneled by nine of the Internet Storm Center Handlers such as Bill Stearns, Lorna Hutcheson, Adrien Du Beaupre, Jim Clausing, and Chris Carboni.
  2. A fantastic, and chilling talk by Lorna Hutcheson on the changing face of malware.
  3. A presentation by Dave Hoelzer on DAD, an open source and free log management tool for the Windows platform from Enclave.

All in all, the six days sure went fast and I'm looking forward to next years event and another mass injection of knowledge in the world of information security.