Tool Testing Methodology, Memory

In my last post, I described what you'd need to do to set up a system in order to test the effects of a tool we'd use on a system for IR activities. I posted this as a way of filling in a gap left by the ACPO Guidelines, which says that we need to "profile" the "forensic footprint" of our tools. That post described tools we'd need to use to discover the footprints within the file system and Registry. I invite you, the reader, to comment on other tools that may be used, as well as provide your thoughts regarding how to use them...after all, the ACPO Guidelines also state that the person using these tools must be competent, and what better way to get there than through discussion and exchange of ideas?

One thing we haven't discussed, and there doesn't seem to be a great deal of discussion of, is the effects of the tools we use on memory. One big question that is asked is, what is the "impact" that our tools have on memory? This is important to understand, and I think one of the main drivers behind this is the idea that when IR activities are first introduced in a court of law, claims will be made that the responder overwrote or deleted potentially exculpatory data during the response process. So...understanding the effect of our tools will make us competent in their use, and we'll be able to address those (and other) issues.

When a process is created (see Windows Internals, by Russinovich and Solomon for the details, or go here), the EXE file is loaded into memory...the EXE is opened and a section object is created, followed by a process object and a thread object. So, memory pages (default size is 4K) are "consumed". Now, almost all EXEs (and I say "almost" because I haven't seen every EXE file) include an import table in their PE header, which describes all of the dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that the EXE accesses. MS provides API functions via DLLs, and EXEs access these DLLs rather than the author rewriting all the code used completely from scratch. So...if the necessary DLL isn't already in memory, then it has to be located and loaded...which in turn, means that more memory pages are "consumed".

So, knowing that these memory pages are used/written to, what is the possibility that important 'evidence' is overwritten? Well, for one thing, the memory manager will not overwrite pages that are actively being used. If it did, stuff would randomly disappear and stop working. For example, your copy of a document may disappear because you loaded Solitaire and a 4K page was randomly overwritten. We wouldn't like this, would we? Of course not! So, the memory manager will allocate memory pages to a process that are not currently active.

For an example of this, let's take a look at Forensic Discovery, by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema...specifically, chapter 8, section 17:

As the size of the memory filling process grows, it accelerates the memory decay of cached files and of terminated anonymous process memory, and eventually the system will start to cannibalize memory from running processes, moving their writable pages to the swap space. That is, that's what we expected. Unfortunately even repeat runs of this program as root only changed about 3/4 of the main memory of various computers we tested the program on. Not only did it not consume all anonymous memory but it didn't have much of an affect on the kernel and file caches.

Now, keep in mind that the tests that were run were on *nix systems, but the concept is the same for Windows systems (note: previously in the chapter, tests run on Windows XP systems were described, as well).

So this illustrates my point...when a new process is loaded, memory that is actively being used does not get overwritten. If an application (Word, Excel, Notepad) is active in memory, and there's a document that is open in that application, that information won't be worst, the pages not currently being used will be swapped out to the pagefile. If a Trojan is active in memory, the memory pages used by the process, as well as the information specific to the process and thread(s) themselves will not be overwritten. The flip side of this is that what does get "consumed" are memory pages that are freed for use by the memory manager; research has shown that the contents of RAM can survive a reboot, and that even after a new process (or several processes) have been loaded and run, information about exited processes and threads still persists. So, pages used by previous processes may be overwritten, as will pages that contained information about threads, and even pages that had not been previously allocated. When we recover the contents of physical memory (ie, RAM) one of the useful things about our current tools is that we can locate a process, and then by walking the page directory and table entries, locate the memory pages used by that process. By extracting and assembling these pages, we can then search them for strings, and anything we locate as "evidence" will have context; we'll be able to associate a particular piece of information (ie, a string) with a specific process. The thing about pages that have been freed when a process has exited is that we may not be able to associate that page with a specific process; we may not be able to develop context to anything we find in that particular page.

Think of it this way...if I dump the contents of memory and run strings.exe against it, I will get a lot of strings...but what context will that have? I won't be able to associate any of the strings I locate in that memory dump with a specific process, using just strings.exe. However, if I parse out the process information, reassembling EXE files and memory used by each process, and then run strings.exe on the results, I will have a considerable amount of context...not only will I know which process was using the specific memory pages, but I will have timestamps associated with process and threads, etc.

Thoughts? I just made all this up, just now. ;-) Am I off base, crazy, a raving lunatic?