UK Gov: no copyright extensions (for now)

Perhaps things are changing after all, now that we have a new PM. The UK Government is reported to have rejected the idea of extending the term of copyright for sound recordings and performers' rights (see previous IPKat mewsings on the subject here, here, here, here and here).

(Right: What are Cliff and Roger really looking for?)

The British music industry, as well as certain high profile ageing artists such as Cliff Richard, and Roger "hope I die before I get old" Daltrey are apparently not best pleased about it, but will carry on lobbying at the European level in their attempts to further extend copyright (and top up their respective profits and pension pots).

The IPKat wonders: what could Cliff and Roger possibly have in common that they want these terms extended so badly? Why isn't Pete Townshend joining in?

More lobbying for extensions here, here and here.