UK-IPO recruitment/IPKat competition

The UK Intellectual Property Office is advertising some vacancies for trade mark examiners.

Right: an examiner (from Mostly Banal, which a cynic would doubtless describe as part of the job description)

According to the job specification, the skills and attributes required are:

* Well developed analytical ability; to analyse general guidance, to understand and interpret complex legislation, associated rules, case law and practice and apply it to individual cases.

* Strong written and oral communication skills; the ability to communicate effectively with staff, senior colleagues and user interests in a variety of forms (written, face to face, telephone).

* Customer orientated approach; in dealing with professional practitioners and unrepresented applicants

Left: an applicant demonstrates her "customer-oriented approach"

* Ability to organise and prioritise workload;

* A good team player.

Right: "a good team player"-- down in Newport each trainee examiner is taught how to commit a "professional foul"

The IPKat knows better, so he's running a competition. Readers are invited to submit, by close of play on 31 August 2007 (that's midnight, British Summer Time), the five criteria that a successful trade mark examiner really needs. just email the IPKat here with your answers. As usual, the winning entries will be posted on this weblog. The prize is complimentary admission and a FREE LUNCH at the CLT Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry conference on 20 September (see here for full programme details). This competition is open to trade mark examiners who are currently employed at UK-IPO but, if they prefer anonymity, they are advised to type the word "insider" on the title line of their entries so that their names will not be accidentally revealed.