I'm currently working on a book about Augmented Reality (AR) for Pragmatic Publishing. the AR technology the book uses is called ARTag. it was invented by my co-author, Dr. Mark Fiala, at the National Research Council of Canada.

BTW -- you can see ARTag videos on YouTube (search for "ARTag").

- ARTag Tank Wars demo (click for full size image)

- another view showing a real hand in the frame (click for full size image)

this post is a pro-active attempt to answer some questions before the book is shipped.

General Non-Technical Questions
Q: I have a question about ARTag. who do I ask?

Q: What is ARTag?
A: It's a fiducial marker system for visual Augmented Reality. Based on numerous metrics, ARTag is widely considered to be the best AR marker system available. Refer to for more details.

Q: Can I use ARTag for a commercial product?
A: ARTag is provided (time bombed) for academic purposes. to use ARTag in a commercial product, you will need to get a license from the National Research Council of Canada.

Q: Do I have to use OpenGL with ARTag?
A: The current library only supports OpenGL, but other graphics systems may be supported in the future.

ARTag Technical Questions
Q: How do I get at the data coming from artag_set_object_opengl_matrix()? I want to use it in my own graphics system.
A: It isn't possible to get the information from artag_set_object_opengl_matrix(). It sets the matrix internally and the data is used for subsequent rendering. In other words, the only way to get the result is to use them by supplying ARTag an image and something to augmented to it. The current library only supports OpenGL, but other graphics systems may be supported in the future.

Questions about the ARTag C# Wrapper or C# sample
Q: Why does the "OpenGL only" C# sample require the ARTag library?
A: The library is only required to read the test texture (PPM format).