Designer cross-outs

The IPKat congratulates the UK-IPO for finding something constructive to do with its time, while users and stakeholders are busying themselves with their holidays. The office has produced not one but two new online versions of the current version of the UK's Registered Designs Act 1949. The Kats have lost track of the number of occasions this statute has been amended since its passage nearly 60 years ago, but you can now (as of yesterday) download

* a text which has been prepared from what the office calls "the original and authoritative version of the Registered Designs Act
1949, as amended by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Registered Designs Regulations 2001 and the Registered Designs Regulations 2003" (available here);

* a consolidated version of the Act that shows the additions and deletions to the previous text as a result of the 2006 Order coming into effect (illustrated, above left, and available here).

Principal Acts and textual amendment here