Open Source Summit

Now here's some fun for anyone who wants to get to grips with open source software and the battle between free, proprietary and hybrid models for computer programs. The IPKat has learned that an Open Source Summit will be held on Friday 9 November 2007 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London. According to the promotional material,
"The software development and licensing landscape has changed, and the US are perceived to be leading the way. The Summit seeks to address this imbalance. An internationally recognised panel of speakers will consider:

* the origins and development of Open Source and GPL licensing;

* IPR protection and risks of proprietary and Open Source licensing models;

* Open Source risk management in the context of IPOs, M&A and joint ventures;

* corporate Open Source policies and procedures;

* what the future has in store.

This conference is the first Open Source event specifically targeted at CEOs, CTOs, General Counsel and those with primary responsibility for advising companies on the acquisition, development and licensing of technology.

With keynote address from Open Source pioneer Bruce Perens and speakers from major technology companies including Microsoft, Symbian, Nokia, Active Endpoints and Black Duck Software. Specific sector focus on the mobile world will be provided by Symbian and on the financial services sector by Deutsche Bank".
This event is the fruit of a good deal of cooperation. Being held in association with Practical Law Company, and supported by Openforum Europe and Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell, the conference is co-hosted by friendly law firms Olswang and Greenberg Traurig LLP. Registration is a snip at £125 plus VAT and practitioners who attend can gain credit for 6 CPD hours - though it's not clear whether attendance at the drinks reception at the close of the day is mandatory ...

Right: Open Sauce Duck

Attendance is limited to just 300 souls, one of whom might just be you. The IPKat says, this has the potential to be a very special event. Merpel adds, if it's all about Open Source, can I please be admitted for free?

For further details you can contact Lisa-Jane Ryan here.