Vista IR

I recently started doing some testing of IR tools on Vista, using Vista Ultimate (32-bit) installed into a VMWare Workstation 6.0 virtual machine.

Part of my testing involved running some tools on Vista to see how they worked, and another part involved mounting the *.vmdk file for my Vista VM using the latest versions of VDK and VDKWin.

IR Tools
I started off by downloading (via IE7) a couple of tools...specifically Autorunsc.exe and Tcpvcon.exe. Both seemed to work quite well, the only real hiccup being the GUI EULA dialog that pops up if you run the tools without the "/accepteula" switch (either way, the tools create a Registry sure you understand and document this as part of your IR methodology if you're using these tools). An interesting part of the tcpvcon output was the amount of IPv6 stuff visible.

My next steps are to test additional tools, as well as the use of WMI-based tools.

Extracting Files from a Vista VM
Mounting the Vista VM as a read-only file system/drive letter on my XP system went off without a hitch. I was already in the process of updating the VDK drivers and VDKWin GUI files, and on a whim I pointed the mount utility at the Vista VM *.vmdk file. I was pleasantly surprised to see the VM mounted as J:\. As expected, some of the directories (specifically, System Volume Information) could not be accessed...this is due to ACLs on those objects. However, I had fairly unrestricted access to the rest of the file system.

A friend mentioned to me recently that the offsets for the Last Run time and runcount in Vista Prefetch files is different from those of XP. I extracted a Prefetch file from the Vista VM and opened it in UltraEdit to look for the offset for the last run time. I found what appeared to be a FILETIME object at offset 0x80, and modified my existing code to extract those 8 bytes. The result matched up quite nicely:

C:\Perl> d:\hacking\
Last Run = Mon Aug 20 22:50:43 2007 (UTC)

I also tried running some of the Registry parsing tools (using the Parse::Win32Registry module by James McFarlane) against files extracted from the Vista VM. I started with a Perl script that would parse the contents of the UserAssist key - here's an extract of the results:

C:\Perl\reg> d:\hacking\vista_ntuser.dat
LastWrite time = Mon Aug 20 22:53:02 2007 (UTC)
Mon Aug 20 22:53:02 2007 (UTC)
UEME_RUNPIDL:%csidl2%\Accessories\Command Prompt.lnk
Tue Aug 14 18:47:55 2007 (UTC)
Wed Jul 11 20:37:27 2007 (UTC)

That seems to work quite nicely! It looks like I won't have any trouble accessing the raw Registry files using James' module, at least not on 32-bit versions of Vista, so that's good news!

There's still more testing and analysis to do, but this is a good start!