Forthcoming events

CLT is holding two forthcoming one-day conferences that should be of great interest to many of the IPKat's readers (indeed, both these events are officially supported by this weblog). They are

Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry (Grange City Hotel, London, 20 September 2007). This is a second-time-round event, following the success of last year's, and its cast includes the following speakers:

* Robert Lands (Finers Stephens Innocent), on celebrity endorsement, asking: "how far can famous faces damage a brand - and what can you do to minimise the damage?"

* Iain Stansfield (Olswang) tackles the vexed issue of parallel trading and how the fashion-conscious brand owner can keep out-of-date stock off the shelves;

* Origin's Peter Langley looks at the extent to which a brand owner can protect not just the trade mark but the ethos and the hidden message that lurks beneath the surface of his IP portfolio.

For the brochure, booking arrangements and all details of this conference click here.

Intellectual Property Litigation and Dispute Resolution: the latest law, procedure and good practice (Hatton Conference Centre, London, 8 October 2007). Speakers include

* Clare Algar (Collyer Bristow) on taking that big decision: do I litigate, arbitrate or mediate my IP dispute?

* IPKat team blogger Jeremy reviews some cases that, in his opinion, really shouldn't have gone to court ...

* Victoria Pynchon (Settle it Now!) and M. Nicole Marcey (Chan Law Group, Los Angeles) bring some fresh new American ideas on alternative dispute resolution for IP to Europe;

* David Morris (Wilmer Hale) discusses the conundrums arising from the consequences of infringement of an IP right that turns out to have been invalid all along.

For the brochure, booking arrangements and all details of this conference click here