Go to Harmsworth to keep designs out of Harm's Way

An Intellectual Property Mediation Theatre is being held on Wednesday 17 October 2007 at 4.30 for 5.00-7.00pm, followed by networking and drinks until 8.00pm. The venue is the London pad of the UK Intellectual Property Office, Harmsworth House, 13-15 Bouverie Street, London EC4Y 8DP. According to the publicity material,
"This session is designed for those who are interested in the mediation process and would like to see how it operates in practice, particularly in light of the Gowers Report on Intellectual Property [which, says the IPKat, says practically NOTHING USEFUL AT ALL about designs, but backs better use of means other than litigation for resolving disputes]. It is also intended for those who wish to learn about mediation as a real alternative to litigation in dispute resolution".
Driving this event are leading mediation services provider CEDR and the increasingly useful ACID (Anti Copying In Design), the highly active UK IP trade organisation for designers and manufacturers. ACID-accredited law firm Hammonds is buying the drinks, so the fee of £30 plus £5.25 VAT is being levied to cover the overheads (what's that, asks Merpel: umbrellas, parasols, fake Burberry caps?)

For more information or to book a place email Faith Hardman or phone her on + 44 20 7536 6000.
Theatre of Dreams here
Theatre of Nightmares here