IAM Hall of Fame 2007

Intellectual Asset Management magazine has announced the names of 2007’s inductees into the IP Hall of Fame. They are (with IAM text lifted and gently tweaked by the IPKat):
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: Talal has provided assistance and support to governmental committees and officials charged with revising and drafting new laws and regulations for the protection and enforcement of IP rights across the Arab world and beyond. As an author, he has also assisted in the publication of numerous groundbreaking reference works on IP in the Arab world, including the compilation of an English translation of all Arab IP laws and a major IP dictionary in Arabic.

Hisamitsu Arai: one of the most influential Commissioners of the Japanese Patent Office, Hisamitsu served a rare two terms and is one of the few Japanese Commissioners to remain a leader in the IP community, both in his home country and internationally, serving on the WIPO Policy Advisory Commission. He was also Secretary General, Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters, a cabinet secretary position, and is credited with elevating IP issues to the Prime Minister level and continuing to lead Japan’s IP policy.

Jerome Gilson: the original author of Trademark Protection and Practice, a standard treatise in the field which has been re-named Gilson on Trademarks, Jerome has worked extensively in drafting trademark legislation that has been enacted by Congress, such as the Trademark Law Revision Act 1988 and the Federal Trademark Dilution Act 1995.

Karl Jorda: Professor of Intellectual Property Law as well as the Director of the Germeshausen Center for the Law of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Franklin Pierce Law Center. Before joining Pierce Law in 1989, Karl was Chief IP Counsel for 26 years at Ciba-Geigy.

Sir Hugh Laddie: Hugh has devoted most of his career to IP and has dealt with the subject in the UK as a barrister, judge, solicitor/consultant, mediator and teacher. He has a unique view and insight which he generously shares. He is now a consultant at Rouse & Co International and Professor of Intellectual Property Law at UCL.

Gerald Mossinghoff: a former Commissioner of the USPTO, Gerald currently advises the firm Oblon Spivak. One of the world's premier IP specialists, he advised President Reagan on the establishment of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which strengthened and brought certainty to patent law in the US. He also initiated an automation programme at the USPTO which computerised the USPTO’s databases.

Pauline Newman: Pauline is a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. She is one of the most prominent women patent lawyers in the world. She was, for many years, the only female chief patent counsel of a major company, the FMC Corporation. Pauline was instrumental in bringing about a number of the patent reforms of the early 1980s, including the creation of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. President Reagan later appointed her to that court.

Kevin Rivette: former patent attorney, founder of Aurigin Systems and, until recently, VP of IP Strategy at IBM. Few books have had more impact on intellectual asset management than Rembrandts in the Attic, a book that played a pivotal role in making IP much more accessible to the non-specialist.

Joseph Straus: Professor Straus is a director of Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property in Munich. He is a leading academic figure in European patent law and one of the most renowned and influential patent scholars worldwide. He shaped many of the current IP doctrines and his opinion is most respected by national governments and non-governmental institutions. Professor Straus teaches at many leading IP institutions worldwide.
The IPKat and Merpel congratulate the new group of inductees and wish them well for the future.

Fame: the Musical here
The Price of Fame: the Musical here
The High Cost of Fame": the Movie here
Fame is the Spur: the Movie here
Fifteen Minutes of Fame: here
Georgie Fame here