China trips
China agrees to TRIPs amendment
ChinaDaily reports that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China yesterday accepted the amendment to the TRIPs Agreement on patents and public health. The
amendment will come into force once two thirds of TRIPs members accept it. The members have set themselves an informal deadline of 1 December 2007 to reach this deadline. Until then, the 2003 waiver remains in force.
The IPKat suspects that the December deadline won’t be met. According to the WTO website, 11 Member states have agreed to the amendment (China is the twelfth). This brings the total acceptance level up to 8% - only 59% to go then…
ChinaDaily reports that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China yesterday accepted the amendment to the TRIPs Agreement on patents and public health. The
The IPKat suspects that the December deadline won’t be met. According to the WTO website, 11 Member states have agreed to the amendment (China is the twelfth). This brings the total acceptance level up to 8% - only 59% to go then…