More events coming up

The Media Management and Transformation Centre of the Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, is holding a one-day seminar in Stockholm, Sweden. The event takes place towards the end of this month, on Friday 26 October, the theme being International Copyright and IP Law: Contemporary Challenges for Media Companies. The venue is the lovely Scandic Hotel Hasselbacken (pictured, right). The programme features the following topics:

• Current Developments in International Copyright Treaties: a View from WIPO
• Challenges of Product Development in Multiple Copyright Regimes: an Industry Perspective
• Reconciling National Traditions with International Obligations: Swedish Perspectives on Complying (and Being Seen to Comply) with International Copyright Law (Presentations and Panel Discussion)
• Compliance with International Treaties: Does the UK have or need a Law of Unfair Competition?
• The Impact of International Treaties on National Legal Practice: What Effect do the Berne and Rome Conventions have on National Interpretation of Copyright
• Problems with Looking for ‘International’ Copyright Rules: the Example of the TV Format Industry.
Speakers at this event include IPKat team blogger Jeremy, plus Gillian Davies (Hogarth Chambers), Dimiter Gantchev (Director of the Creative Industries Division, WIPO), Martyn Freeman or Elizabeth Gibson (BBC), leading Swedish scholar Jan Rosén, Monique Wadsted (MAQS Law Firm), lawyer and columnist Kristina Lidehorn (TV4) and local academic Edward Humphreys. In the chair is Robert G Picard (Director of the Media Management & Transformation Centre).

Full details of the seminar here
More about the Media Management and Transformation Centre here

Second in the series of QMIPRI Herchel Smith Seminars this term is Innovation in the Balance: Open and Proprietary Systems of Development, which takes place this coming Monday, 8 October. A strong panel of contributors consists of Roger Burt (IBM Europe), Jonathan Sage (IBM Europe) and Nigel Swycher (Olswang).

Left: the power of the penguin? Heavy Linux v Microsoft symbolism, via the website

The event starts at QMIPRI's smart new Lincoln's Inn Fields (Central London) home at 6pm for 6.30pm and there are post-seminar drinks for all who attend. To register for this seminer email QMIPRI here.