Some new things...

I've been offline and not posting for a while, I know...not much time to post with so much going on during my day job (but that's a Good Thing).

A couple of new things have popped up recently that I wanted to share with everyone. First, Didier Stevens has produced an update to his UserAssist program, for parsing the UserAssist Registry keys on a live system. This update parses the GUIDs, giving you even more information about the user's activities. This is something that I'll have to add to my own tools that parse the same keys, but during post-mortem analysis.

Second, Peter Burkholder over at Ellipsis has produced a patch for running my Forensic Server Project (FSP) on *nix-variant systems, to include MacOSX. I have said from the very beginning that this could be done, and Peter has gone and done it! Very cool!

Jesse Kornblum has released md5deep 2.0, which has some new features and bug fixes...check it out.

If I've missed anything, please drop me a line and let me know...