Plant variety protection in India; New variety of Blackberry under threat

"In India plant variety protection law is one of the nascent branches of intellectual property that has several facets. Being a legislation in its infancy the Courts in India did not have an occasion to interpret the provisions and so Indian case laws are different in this area of law. The attempt (in this book) at tracing the case laws in other jurisdictions will prove useful to the legal fraternity and student community.
This work has been written during a period in which there are considerable developments in the field of plant variety protection and at a time when there is a great dearth of books on the subject. The author has made successful attempts to examine the founding Treaties, Conventions and Legislations that have resulted in the presented harmonization effected by the TRIPS Agreement.
This book on ''Law of Plant Varieties Protection'' by Dr Elizabeth Verkey is an enabling instrument to tackle the great depths of plant variety protection laws and will be a guiding light to legal practitioners, academicians, plant breeders and scientists, and not to forget, the students of the subject".

Left: Arogyapaacha - source of the Jeevani wonder-drug. Public property, private monopoly or traditional resource?
Then Elizabeth gets to work on the law in India. She does not avoid delicate topics such as traditional knowledge, terminator genes and farmers' rights -- issues on which feelings run high. The book then concludes with the international framework which, if the IPKat had been writing the book, he would probably have stuck at the beginning, after the introductory materials. But then, the juiciest bits aren't in the international provisions ...
Bibliographic details: date of publication 2007. Price : Rs. 450 (Rs. 405 if you buy it online). ISBN 978-81-7012-962-1. xv + 367 pages. Rupture factor: small.

Merpel's dreaming of convergence and a really exciting product - when Apple and BlackBerry combine here