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The November 2007 issue of London-based law firm Olswang's Internet & E-Commerce Update was published yesterday. You can access it online here. To receive this title on a regular basis, register here.

The November 2007 issue of Oxford University Press's monthly Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice was published earlier this week. This issue carries a special focus on IP licensing and transactional issues, with a Guest Editorial by IP licensing guru and JIPLP editorial board member Neil J. Wilkof.

Right: some IP licensing techniques aren't taught at law school but can be acquired with practice

Features in this issue include
* Scott J. Lebson (Ladas & Parry, NY) asking whether it is legally and commercially feasible to use trade secrets as collateral;

* A detailed consideration by Lovells trio Verena von Bomhard, Hugh O'Neill and Anat Paz of the points of intersection between the operation of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (which grants and administers the Community trade mark and Community design systems) and IP licences;

* Baker & McKenzie team Lothar Determann, Stuart Pixley and Gary Shapiro analyses issues raised when managing commercial risk in open source licensing.
Read, absolutely free, the editorial to this and the past year's editorials, here
Full contents of current issue, plus abstracts of all articles here
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