Web 2.0, Party Season and legal and cultural slant on social networking

The IPKat's imaginative friend and colleague Joseph Savirimuthu (University of Liverpool) has written to inform him that he is now certifiably insane.

Right: it's Party Season in Liverpool, so please support your local IP event ... (image from party-machine.ca)

The proof of this is contained in his message, which reads (in relevant part) as follows:

"A group of us at the Law School have decided to convene an event, Web 2.0, Social Networks and Innovation: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities, 30 November 2007, 6-8pm.

We have an interesting array of speakers (we hope the attendees will also reflect this broad church):

* Ms Bernadette McGrath, Manager of International Centre for Digital Content Programme, Liverpool (have a look at the excellent http://www.pocketpictures.org.uk/); “The Moblogging-PocketPictures Project”

* Dr Rebecca Wong, Senior Lecturer, Nottingham Trent Law School, ;“Data Protection, Privacy and Social Networks”;

* Dr Michael Jones, Course Director, MA Music Industry Studies, Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool: “Music and The Legal System”;

* Dr Peter Miller, Division of Integrative Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool: "Are we affected? An educator's perspective on the virtual world Second Life";

* Mr John Hackett, Learning Landscape for Schools (London): “The Learning Landscape for Schools - A Safe Social Network”;

Mr Joseph Savirimuthu, Lecturer in Law, Liverpool Law School, University of Liverpool, “Creative Commons and The Virgin Mobile Phone Saga”.

This roundtable discussion has a broad aim:

"[to] provide us with an opportunity to explore a wider question: Will the solution spaces now provide a sustainable platform for Next Generation Creative industries?"
I was told by the individual from the Organisation - whom I approached for sponsorship of coffee/tea & sandwiches : "You are barking mad - charge admission. If you do not charge - no one will turn up during the Party Season".

I see the point - but a University also has a wider responsibility to its employees and wider community. The reply: "Experience suggests that you are wasting your time and effort. Get back to us when you put together something professional" I thanked her for sharing this nugget of experience. "

The IPKat is left with the uneasy feeling that he is missing out on something. All his life he never realised that 30 November was the Party Season. Still, bravely biting his lip and fighting back his tears, he urges everyone who takes a legal and cultural interest in the social dimension of Web 2.0 to attend this event. If you're interested in participating, the Kat suggests you contact Joseph here.

Merpel adds: there's a lively IP law culture up in Liverpool, but it needs to be properly nurtured if it's going to flourish. Events like this one need sponsorship. As a start, can any readers who practise IP law, or who work for IP-owning businesses, in the Mersey area, who would like to be more involved in fostering local IP interest and who could offer some sponsorship - however small - please contact Joseph and let him know.